
Sunday 7 October 2018

University Diaries: Moving Back to York & Starting Year Two

Note: this blog post is very reflective and a tad emotional. Apologies.

Picture this: It was a cold, bleak Thursday morning. The air was crisp and the ground was wet. In the distance sounded the distressed cries of school children and the air was dampened with pockets of diesel. Unlike the school children, I was excited to leave home that very morning to venture back to university, and the air around me certainly felt fresher and clearer than theirs.

It has now almost been a week since I moved back to York and the air still feels fresh.

I will admit, hurriedly driving up to York from Birmingham in an attempt to avoid the forecasted rain was scary, but daydreaming about the year ahead was not. But, as I’m laying in bed worrying about my first seminar of the year tomorrow, and how unfamiliar I feel with my reading list, it’s all suddenly becoming a daunting reality.

My first year of University was, on the whole, an enjoyable experience. Like most, I had my ups, my downs persevered and got to know myself better. It was a fun period, but it wasn’t perfect. And I really didn't like being confined to such a small room in my halls. I'm not at all being ungrateful, but I think I just felt a little trapped. Sometimes I wanted to stay indoors and walk to my living room or kitchen for time alone, but university halls are busy and beaming with loud personalities, and sometimes it just got a little bit too much. It's nobody else's fault, but perhaps I just wasn't suited to being in that kind of environment 24/7. I also know that I wasn't the only one who struggled.

With everything I learnt during my first year at university I feel it’s only right for myself to create resolutions for the year ahead. Not for the sake of this blog or to feel temporarily put-together, but because I have a desire to be the best version of myself this year and make up for lost time. Now that I’m settled in what was an unfamiliar house and what is now my home, I feel that now is the right time to put to use all the valuable lessons I learnt last year.
Resolutions for myself:

1. Be confident in who you are. Not only with friends, family and those who you're familiar with, but with everyone. Accept that there will be times where you struggle and act on your introverted tendencies, but you also crave to dismiss this fear of judgement.

2. Be punctual and have good attendance. Sometimes people need to take a day to relax and re-energise, but when you miss a seminar or a social event, after the initial relief comes regret. All that comes of this laziness and fear of loss - memories and bonds that could be made. Think more in these situations.

3. Allow yourself to grow independently and have time alone. Not only will you reignite passions, but you will value your partner, friends and family more. And when you give them breathing time, they will cherish you even more in return. Being away from home is hard sometimes. Wherever it may be, home is a place where most people have grown from a child into an adult, so it's only natural to feel a bit lonely and strange. Learning not to rely on others will put you at an advantage and help you become independent in many aspects of life.

4. Don’t be scared to speak up. If you have something to say in a seminar, don’t sit in silence and belittle your intelligence. Your point will always be worthwhile. And if you want to give your opinion or share a funny story with friends, don’t dismiss it because you can’t be bothered. Engagement is key. More than that, the more you share with someone, the more they engage and let go with you. Just, don't be paranoid!

5. Do the seminar reading. There’s nothing else to say other than “do it”. Second-year counts!!

6. Respect your body and treat it well by eating well and exercising regularly. Losing will-power and ordering regular takeaways is not always worth it. You love to exercise, perusing healthy lifestyles and learning about health so keep up your passion.

7. Don’t feel ashamed of your love of Instragram-ing and Blogging. It’s not because you're narcissistic and crave attention so you needn’t worry. You were born a creative individual and are fascinated by the power of the visual and written word, so don't be afraid to let your passion flow.

8. Stop spending unnecessary amounts of money! Again, there’s nothing more to say other than stop!

9. Love yourself and your uniqueness.